Five Critical Questions Every Nonprofit Must Address for Disaster Preparedness

Five Critical Questions Every Nonprofit Must Address for Disaster Preparedness Reposted with permission from OneStar, August 29, 2023. There are tons of resources on nonprofit management from strategic planning to funder engagement. Within these resources, we often leave out an essential topic: is our nonprofit ready for a prompt response during a disaster? 

Just Ask a Volunteer

Just Ask a Volunteer You got it, boss! To facilitate a meaningful and productive experience for our volunteers and our organization we'll need to follow these steps. Meet with the staff whose department will benefit from the volunteer’s service to: understand the work that will need to be performed and which skills

Volunteer Using Your Car

Volunteer Using Your Car Written by Lena Borrelli and re-posted with permission from Bankrate. There’s no denying that America is hurting due to the coronavirus pandemic. Sickness and record unemployment have left a devastating impact on Americans everywhere. School and business closures have disrupted everyday routine and left the future largely uncertain.

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