Your Impact Stories
These are your stories about the impact you have made in our community through volunteerism. Tell your story here. We’ll post it right here on this page within a week – alphabetically by first name. Pat yourself on the back for all the good you’re doing to cultivate the #HoustonTogether culture. We’re proud of you and grateful the contributions you’ve made!
Alan Steinberg
In working with Keep Houston Beautiful, I made a simple post on the social media site Nextdoor that said I was going to pick up some trash in the neighborhood with the time, intersection and note to bring your own trash bag. A few friends and neighbors showed up to clean up a vacant lot next to our subdivision. It was great to see our community working together to make a difference!
Ana Medina
Rain or Shine many volunteers gather together to distribute food supplies despite Covid-19 during 2020. Many Thanks to All the Volunteers.
Arjun + Maya Govindaraj
Mission BE A Resource is a club that we started with our friends to help children in need. Our goal is to spread awareness about Rainbow Rooms and support underprivileged children in the community through donations and volunteering. We want to continue to volunteer for our community because it’s fun to work with our friends and by doing good for others we learn a lot and feel happy.
Bread of Life Staff and Volunteers
We have a group of staff and volunteers who have given tirelessly and consistently to ensure that Bread of Life Inc. is able to meet the needs of the Houston community. We are greatly indebted to them and are in awe of their service! We just want to give heartfelt thanks to Alisha, Chris, Eleanora, John, Audrey, Terrell, and Ann!
BYU Alumni Houston Chapter
Our BYU alumni families packed 13,000 lbs. of food for the Houston Food Bank. We loved being able to come together with our families, serve our community, and live our “Connected For Good” motto. Everyone loved it so much that we plan to make it an annual event!
Camille Ford
I was able to volunteer with Compassion United’s Breakfast in the Park program. Our group made, delivered, set up, served and cleaned up a breakfast for the homeless community in our area. It was wonderful to brush shoulders and share conversations and prayers with those struggling, and build our congregation in a way that only serving together does! It was a memorable and unifying experience.
Carol Roskelley
After becoming aware of the increasing number of Houston refugees back in 2016, I participated with my local congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in SW Houston to gather donations for refugees in partnership with IMGH. More recently, I have joined my local congregation to sort food at Second Mile Mission during the pandemic and to join the Fort Bend Interfaith Council to gather donations for Hurricane Laura victims.
Cindy M
We volunteer with SPLASh Texas (Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines) to help clean up our Gulf shores. My husband and I arrived at the beach in the morning and saw so much trash along the shore. You always hear about the trash problem, but it all changes when you see it! It was so fulfilling to see the impact that we along with all of the volunteers made that day! When we left the beach it was clean and beautiful! Happy Earth Day!
Hannah Mannion
I volunteered with NestQuest Houston for 6.5 months during a period of high demand, and low funding. I have helped support over 27 families in finding safe, secure, and stable housing. Whilst also providing regular food parcels, clothing items, and furniture for their new home.
Heather Cosby
I hosted a blood drive for the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. We had 31 donors and saved over 90 lives!
Jana Humphreys
Our family started a new tradition a few years ago of helping serve Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas Eve dinner to the needy at the SuperFeast at George R. Brown put on by CityWide Club. Guests are able to have a warm meal and haircut, and receive clothing, books and canned food. My kids love to help another child pick out a book and serve them a nice holiday dinner. Already signed up for this year!
Kavindu + Imaaya Weerasinghe
Our friends and us started a volunteer group called Mission Be A Resource, which is a club that helps the children in need. Our main goal to help many children and spread awareness about the Rainbow room and support many children with donations by volunteering. We decided to volunteer because we thought that we can help many children around the world. We want to do more volunteering in the future to help the children in need.
Kristen Clancy
Shortly after I started volunteering with the Red Cross, the pandemic hit and all volunteer opportunities were limited to virtual only. After Winter Storm Uri, I had the opportunity to “deploy” virtually. I was able to categorize nearly 5,000 calls for service, making sure they were connected with Disaster Health Services, Disaster Mental Health, Spiritual Care, or local resources for food and water. Truly a unique experience!
Lakshanya and Ved Solipuram
We made a volunteer group, Mission BEAR(Mission Be A Resource), with a couple of our friends from school. Mission BEAR helps abused and neglected kids and adults. We have enjoyed volunteering at many different places, especially the Fort Bend Rainbow Room. Not only making donations, we also try to give our time to help make the world a better place one step at a time. We hope to continue volunteering and helping the underprivileged.
Madhu Rupasinghe
My kids Maya & Arjun and their friends Lakshanya, Ved, Aarini, Ronit, Govind and Sriram received a grant from Act of Kindness to make 30 care packages for cancer patients at Harris Health LBJ Hospital.
Melissa Wood
Because TOMAGWA (a health ministry in my community) had to cancel their usual fundraisers due to COVID-19, they hosted an outdoor craft fair instead. To support their event, my son and I signed up to have a booth and made crafts to sell, donated a portion of our proceeds to TOMAGWA. It was fun to help kick off an event that they hope to make an annual tradition.
Monica Chopra
I was a part of the Volunteer Houston Corps in 2020 and unfortunately COVID hit but continue to do any virtual volunteering or blood donations that I can. I taught myself how to knit in January and have been knitting/crocheting hats/beanies/scarves for various organizations (e.g. Giving Project with HCPL, Project Linus, Knots of Love) and am open to doing more :)!! Love helping out the community and love volunteering.
Nancy Ayre
YoWith food insecurity being on the rise due to the pandemic, my husband and I volunteered with Montgomery County Foodbank in partnership with Compassion United to distribute food to families falling under tough times outside of local church in Willis. We were able to place nutritious food in the car trunks of hundreds of families that came through. It was connecting and healing for all involvedur story goes here!
Patricia Dees
Houston Proud for many years. Superbowl Host Committee. Firefly. Women’s national volleyball. Kept score Hungart team women’s Gold tournament Champions. Kept score.
Ronit Maganti
Mission BE A Resource is a community service club that we started with our friends to help underprivileged children. Our goal is to spread awareness about Rainbow Rooms and support underprivileged children in the community through donations and volunteering. Our mission is – “No child should be abandoned, neglected, bullied or abused.”
Stephen & Megan Friedheim
We have the privilege of volunteering with Camp Erin (the Elena Network), a grief camp for children & teens, every summer. It is the most meaningful, wonderful weekend of the year. The growth the kiddos make on their grief journey proves that magic is alive & well. Camp is magic.
Stephanie Quijano
The impact that volunteering has had on me is very deep. I’ve always loved doing it, but it was what actually helped me get through a rough patch of my life. I was volunteering for Interfaith Ministries and their AniMeals program. This program is for seniors who are on the Meals on Wheels and have pets. We deliver food so that their fur babies can also have a full belly!
Tami Maloney
Over the past 12 weeks, 24 missionary volunteers from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rotated shifts at the Houston Health Department – WIC program to compile 17,000 “Let’s Cook Together” cookbooks for WIC clients. While they would love to also meet with the WIC clients and cook together, collecting the recipes and assembling the cookbooks made them feel like they were part of the client’s family dinners and gatherings.
Share Your Impact Story!